Only in Austin

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Perhaps we’re lax on time spent downtown, or not that many people have signed up for this self-proclaimed ‘party on wheels,’ but we spotted the Pubcrawler for the first time this weekend.

Photo courtesty of Pubcrawler

Seating 15 and powered by those 30 feet frantically pedaling, this is the ultimate multi-seater bicycle.
Maxing out at 5mph, it’s probably also the slowest bike ride you’ve ever been on.
And the biggest question…Can you drink on the “pubcrawler?” Yes, in fact you can.  BYOB including Kegs that can hook up to a pre-installed tap…
Again, only in Austin.  Love it.
So next time you have some friends in town who want a whole new way to tour the city, this is definitely the way to go.

Photo courtesty of Pubcrawler


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