The Secret to Omni-channel Success: A Guide to Atomic Content

By Lauren Stokes / Marketing, Strategy

The Rise of Omni-channel No longer just a dream, the pressure to deliver seamless, personalized omni-channel experiences across the customer journey has permeated nearly every marketing organization. Advancements in technology, data and analytics capabilities have made omni-channel a reality but many companies fail to consider the need to also advance their approach to content operations…

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Takeaways from the TSIA World INTERACT – Orlando 2024

By Cal Cavness / Data + Analytics, Strategy, Technology

AI Mantra: “AI may not replace me, but AI will definitely change the way I work.” – Thomas Lah, TSIA Another year, another TSIA World INTERACT conference in Orlando – and the atmosphere was positively charged! What truly set INTERACT apart was delving into the tangible impacts of AI on modern businesses and uncovering its…

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Rowing Together: How B2B Brands Can Embrace Digital Transformation

By Maria Orozova / Strategy, Technology, Uncategorized

While I’ve never been on a rowing team before, I’m almost (definitely) certain that one of the keys to success will never change—everyone on the team rowing at the same time, in the same direction. Seems obvious, right? For the rowing team, sure. But when it comes to B2B brands embarking on their digital transformation…

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Agency Group Thread: What Does a Cookieless Future Mean to You?

By MODintelechy / Leadership Roundtable, Strategy, Technology

Digital marketers have been feasting on third-party cookies for many, many years. And the cookie jar was bottomless—nourishing campaign frameworks, business models, and the entire internet ecosystem. But what happens when those cookies go away? Well, that’s what the Agency Group Thread is for. Dig in (or scroll down) for a little glimpse into their…

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TSIA Blog Hero

TSIA World ENVISION 2023: Insights, Takeaways, & Client Awards

By Cal Cavness / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

Another year, another TSIA World ENVISION conference in Las Vegas —where some of the brightest minds in digital transformation gather to share their perspectives on unifying organizations, leveraging data, and unlocking annual recurring revenue. The theme this year was “Silo Busting to Drive Profits & Growth”—tailored to address the four major consequences of silos, present…

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Agency Group Thread: What Does Digital Transformation Mean to You?

By MODintelechy / Leadership Roundtable, Strategy, Technology

We hear a lot about “digital transformation” in our industry. Removing friction from buying experiences, implementing customer-centric technologies, embracing a more digital-first approach—but no two transformation efforts look the same. And the same goes for what digital transformation means. It’s a mindset shift, technology puzzle, and business model makeover all in one. So, with that in mind, we asked some members…

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We could go on, or take a work break.


Blog Hero

The Art of the Win-Back Email Campaign

By Cal Cavness / Customer Success, Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

In the fast-paced world of technology, customer retention is a critical aspect of a company’s success. Sure—losing customers is inevitable, but it is equally essential to have a well-crafted win-back email campaign to re-engage with those who have previously utilized your products and/or services. Win-back email campaigns are a vital customer retention strategy aimed at…

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Chicken & Egg

Sales and Customer Success: Is It the Chicken or the Egg?

By Cal Cavness / Customer Success, Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

When it comes to a healthy dynamic between Sales and Customer Success teams in achieving customer revenue goals, an age-old adage comes to mind: Is it the chicken or the egg?  Meaning—what comes first? Who supports who? And which is more important? As you might have gathered from the old saying, the answer is a complicated…

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Forrester Blog Hero

Forrester B2B NA 2023 Recap: Customer-Obsessed Growth Engine + Lifecycle Revenue Marketing + Customer Value Realization

By Cal Cavness / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

We attended the Forrester B2B North America Summit 2023 this month, and needed a place to organize all of the knowledge we gathered along the way. So, here we are—paying it forward with some of our favorite insights from the week. The goal of this conference was to provide guidance to B2B sales, marketing, and…

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Channel Partner Enablement Through the Lens of Strategy, Technology, and Transformation

By Cal Cavness / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

At MODintelechy, we categorize our capabilities into three buckets—strategy, technology, and transformation. Is there overlap amongst these three buckets? Yes, and by design. We like to think of it more as synergy, as there are very few silos within effective ecosystems. A transformation effort will impact technology, technology implementations will impact strategy, and so on…

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TSIA World INTERACT 2023 Recap: Growth, Renewals, & Tiger Tails

By Cal Cavness / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

Another year, another TSIA World conference in Orlando—where some of the brightest minds in digital transformation gather to share their perspectives on unifying organizations, leveraging data, and unlocking annual recurring revenue. For those lucky enough to attend, the wealth of knowledge was invaluable. For those that weren’t, you’re in luck—because I jotted down some of…

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Why You Should Embrace The Customer Journey—And How To Begin

By Maria Orozova / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

We’ve come a long way since the days of broad, singular marketing campaigns, where you’d spend months tinkering on a “catch-all” concept designed to capture as much of your audience as possible. Looking back, we really were boxed in. But with the rise of digital marketing, we can now create personalized experiences that cater to…

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We could go on, or take a work break.


Account Intelligence

Leveraging Account Intelligence to Drive Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success Outcomes

By Cal Cavness / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

When we hear marketing and sales jargon like “account intelligence,” our first thought is often “technology.” And sure, technology plays a major role, but what is it in service of? Reaching our customers. Or more specifically, the person behind the customer. As the practice of gathering and analyzing data to provide actionable insights, account intelligence…

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Expansion Selling: Strategies, Tactics, and Tacos

By Cal Cavness / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

This morning, I returned to my favorite place for breakfast. I ordered my standard bacon, egg, and cheese taco (look, we love our tacos in Austin). The cashier asked if I wanted to add avocado. An extra dollar…why not?  She then asked if I wanted an iced coffee. I could use a morning pick-me-up…sure!  And for just…

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The Hidden Value Of Creative: How To Pitch Where Others Pass

By MODintelechy / Blog, Design, Marketing, Strategy

Every creative agency wants to work on the next eye-catching, brake-slamming billboard. Wait, let me try that again—every creative agency wants to work on the next eye-catching, thumb-stopping Instagram ad. Either way, our understanding of creative services tends to be boxed into one line of thinking. From marketing collateral and social assets to rebranded websites…

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MOD Blog Hero

Expansion Revenue: The Opportunity is Right Under Your Nose

By Cal Cavness / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

Have you ever looked at a revenue goal and thought wow, that’s a little aggressive. Or better yet, have you ever looked at one and thought aggressive isn’t even a word that does this goal justice. When it comes to global organizations on the inevitable path toward growth, revenue is the only way to get…

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Tips For Building Culture In A Hybrid Workplace

By MODintelechy / Agency Culture, Strategy

A few months ago, I surprised myself. After promoting one of our strongest employees to a senior account director position, I reflected back on her experience—she was hired over the phone during the pandemic, didn’t meet her direct manager in person for six months and has been fully remote ever since. It answered some questions…

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The Power of Partnership: Why We Don’t Have “Clients”

By Maria Orozova / Agency Culture, Strategy

The word “client” often seems to represent a certain coldness, implying that your relationship is strictly transactional and will be dictated by terms in a contract. While terms and contracts are necessary and something everyone expects in business, there’s a lot more that comes up when seeing a project to completion—and that’s where true partnership…

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We could go on, or take a work break.


Revenue Enablement: Aligning to the Customer Experience

By Cal Cavness / Sales Enablement, Strategy

Introduction In May 2021, top research and advisory firm Gartner made a striking prediction — 75% of the highest growth companies in the world will be moving away from sales enablement and toward a revenue enablement model by 2025. This anticipated shift comes in response to fast-changing global buying and selling processes, trends, and consumer…

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Scaling your Sales Efforts with Renewals Automation 

By Erik Merle / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

Unless you’re Michael Scott from the hit TV series “The Office,” you know it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer rather than signing up a new one. But cost isn’t the only factor, as customer expectations in the digital age are rapidly changing. Add in the COVID-19 crisis, and the pace of this change has only accelerated—forcing…

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