You don’t have to be earth-shattering; The art of the blog.

By MODintelechy / Marketing, Technology

One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is often the stress of picking a topic to blog about. Seems strange, given the reason you blog is because you have something to say. But sometimes it’s easy to fall into the grips of anxiety, fretting over your post topics for days even weeks because what you…

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Create, See, Scan: QR Codes

By MODintelechy / Technology

QR Codes are “all the rage” right now. You may have seen these more than 2 years ago if you were in Japan, as that’s when they first became widespread there. Now, however the US has finally gotten the hint.  And these scan able digital codes are EVERYWHERE.  Well, all over the publishing world anyway….

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What Twitter Teaches Us

By MODintelechy / Technology

{that we already knew, but are now forced to apply on a daily basis} Even though the results released this week by Mashable show that an astounding 0% of Americans would be willing to pay for Twitter, It has become an integral part of our daily routine, and thus important to know what effect it’s having…

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