Agency Group Thread: What Does Digital Transformation Mean to You?

By / Leadership Roundtable, Strategy, Technology

We hear a lot about “digital transformation” in our industry. Removing friction from buying experiences, implementing customer-centric technologies, embracing a more digital-first approach—but no two transformation efforts look the same. And the same goes for what digital transformation means. It’s a mindset shift, technology puzzle, and business model makeover all in one. So, with that in mind, we asked some members of our team what digital transformation means to them. Dig in (or scroll down) for a slice of the perspective.

Scott Thomas, Founder & Chief Experience Officer:I want to rebrand the term digital transformation. 🙂 I won’t because it is part of the lexicon but in my experience, it is less about the digital or technical tools and more about the organizational and human part of transformation. What are the incentives, organizational structure, roles, and mindset shifts necessary for organizations to meet the challenges of the future?

Cal Cavness, Head of Revenue:True digital transformation is not something organizations do once, and is more than just introducing a new piece of technology. It’s a comprehensive, perpetual process of integrating and leveraging technological advancements to fundamentally reshape operations, strategies, and interactions across the business to enhance operational efficiency, customer experiences, and overall value creation. True digital transformation also reshapes culture by inspiring new ways of thinking, fostering collaboration, enhancing individual capabilities, and encouraging a collective commitment to growth and progress.

Maria Orozova, Founder & Chief Creative Officer: Digital transformation is entirely dependent on perspective. And for me, that means a new normal for creative—where it’s less about static collateral and more about immersive customer experiences. It’s now our job to design creative solutions for deeper customer journeys, where touchpoints are dynamic and content is personalized. Then the real-time data on those journeys comes in, and the real work begins.

Anton Hung, Solutions Architect: Digital transformation to me is not an end state or a static initiative. Technology is evolving at a pace that is exponential to workflows or processes. Ultimately, you want to be positioned to adapt to these technological changes and adopt processes that move at the same pace as the consumer.

Where Does That Leave Us?
With more questions than answers, but that’s a good thing. Because all transformation efforts should start with an organizational question—where are you now, where do you want to go, and what do you need to get there? The answers will outline your transformation effort, and that’s the point. Your transformation story is unique to you.

Need some help mapping out the answers to those questions? Reach out to us today!

Written by / Leadership Roundtable, Strategy, Technology


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