Google Analytics 4: The Time is Now

By Calen Bacy / Data + Analytics, Marketing

Say Goodbye to Universal Analytics  Google’s Universal Analytics, also known as UA, has been the world’s most current and free data collection tool for detailed web-based analytics since the fall of 2012. The tool provides basic statistics and analytical data used for search engine optimization and marketing purposes. Needless to say, UA plays a vital…

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The Best of Forrester’s B2B Summit North America 2022

By Cal Cavness / Agency Culture, Marketing

After attending the Forrester B2B Summit North America this past week, I was inspired to share some takeaways from the event.  I’m not going to lie; I was looking forward to this summit!  Not just to immerse myself in the current state of B2B marketing and sales, but to get back to a sense of…

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Meta’s Solution to a Cookie-less Future

By Calen Bacy / Marketing, Technology

Wait, what’s happening to cookies? And more importantly, what are cookies? Cookies are small pieces of code that are placed in your browser when you visit a website. They usually contain at least two pieces of information – a site name and unique user ID – but they may also capture other details such as…

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting… a CDP

By Amanda Cardona / Marketing

Considering adding a Customer Data Platform (CDP) to your martech stack? CDPs have the game-changing potential for most organizations—from connecting disparate data sources and creating a unified view of customers to tracking brand engagement and unlocking opportunities to activate impactful omnichannel journeys. But here’s the thing: Your return on investment is only as good as your…

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Scaling your Sales Efforts with Renewals Automation 

By Erik Merle / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

Unless you’re Michael Scott from the hit TV series “The Office,” you know it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer rather than signing up a new one. But cost isn’t the only factor, as customer expectations in the digital age are rapidly changing. Add in the COVID-19 crisis, and the pace of this change has only accelerated—forcing…

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Demand Generation: Full of Leads with Nowhere to Go

By Jenni Waggoner / Marketing, Strategy

“We want them, and we want them now!”  This is the approach most companies have towards gaining new leads. When people feel a slump in the market, or feel ready to grow, they gain a proverbial itch for immediate change. The problem isn’t just, “How can you find new leads?” but also, “What should you…

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How a Cookieless World Will Force Marketing and Sales to Finally Work Together

By Anton Hung / Marketing

In a previous role, my company made a physical attempt to unify the marketing and sales departments. They hauled us (the marketing department) upstairs and placed our cubicles right next to sales.  The end result? We still didn’t connect as much as we should have.   Ask a Salesperson about Marketing…  “Do they even know our…

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Meet Four Wings: Our Agency for Growing Businesses and Early-Stage Brands

By Maria Orozova / Marketing

What a ride the past few years have been… if we’ve learned one thing, it’s that change is constant. Things grow, flows ebb, needs shift. As we’ve reflected on MODintelechy’s growth, we looked back on all the brands—big and small—that helped us grow our business over the last 15 years. No matter the size, we’ve…

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Long-Tail Renewals Strategy

By Scott Thomas / Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy

Starting around 2014, a new trend emerged and disrupted the way we think about customer acquisition—subscription marketing. Or for those that believe in the permanent demand behind the trend, an entire “subscription economy” was born. While this was not an entirely new concept, it has recently taken off with a new level of urgency—particularly in the tech…

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Data + Design: The Perfect Marriage

By MODintelechy / Marketing, Strategy

Data and design have come together over the past decade in a marriage we couldn’t have forecasted. Some say they rushed into it, some say they’ll never last—but we believe they’ll live happily ever after. Because together, data and design have revolutionized how we market to customers. It’s something that has been on our minds…

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MODintelechy x Austin Design Week: An Interactive Panel on the Future of Design

By MODintelechy / Agency Culture, Marketing

We were honored to collaborate with Austin Design Week this month in sharing the future of design with those in our local community! We kicked off the organization’s week of discussions, tours and more at our HQ in Austin, Texas with a panel surrounding a data-driven outlook on the future of design.   As the…

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5 Book Recommendations from MODintelechy Co-Founder & CCO, Maria Orozova

By Maria Orozova / Agency Culture, Marketing

Growth and mindset are key components to what makes us tick at MODintelechy. The desire to constantly and strategically improve — both individually and as a team — is in our DNA. Embedded in this, is the belief that you become what you think about the most, the thoughts and ideas you fill your mind…

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Scott Thomas

Make Martech Matter: Change the Human Software First

By Scott Thomas / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Technology

The world is moving fast. Technology is moving even faster. And Arthur C Clarke wasn’t wrong when he famously proclaimed, “advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Indeed, today’s tech is nothing short of awesome. But as large enterprise brands search for growth hacks and increased efficiency through automation, we’d like to remind you that one…

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Growing Your Business With Marketing Automation

By Maria Orozova / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Technology

What is the KEY to marketing automation? This is a question we get a lot… and while we’d love nothing more than to have THE answer, there is a lot more nuance to it than that. Our very own Scott Thomas recently addressed this topic in a webinar titled Turn Tire-Kickers Into Buyers With Marketing…

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Mastering Empathy, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Cognizance: 
Take-Aways from SXSW 2021

By Christina Sarich / Agency Culture, Marketing

As a creative, visionary, and bibliophile, this year’s South by Southwest Festival represented a curated stream-of-consciousness I could happily sink my teeth into. Although the in-person, multi-dimensional relationships that can be developed in a non-virtual SXSW experience were missed, the online presentations offered solid fodder for the curious, culturally cognizant denizen of an increasingly global…

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Why Your Channel Program Needs PRM (Partner Relationship Management)

By Cal Cavness / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Sales Enablement, Strategy, Technology

What is Partner Relationship Management (PRM)? When seeking new and innovative opportunities for gaining traction in the marketplace, companies often establish channel partner programs. To create, manage, and maintain these channel partner relationships, partner relationship management (PRM) utilizes strategies and software that help companies execute new marketing ideas, reach new customers, and scale quickly. Creating…

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The Hidden Power of Creative

By Adrian Olvera / Agency Culture, Design, Marketing

As a creative, I’m happy to say that, what was once an afterthought, is now considered critical for in-market success—design. Growth of online and mobile tools have enabled the consumer to seize control of the brand relationship, telling brands when, where, and how they want to engage. Because of this, more brands have realized the…

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How to Reap the Benefits of Partnership Marketing

By Mike Nink / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Technology

Every brand knows the feeling. At some point, you realize you’ve only been buying a widget or a content series, and what you actually want is a partner. You want your agency to up the ante from the one-off project or iterative task work that you hired them for to providing brand-level strategic advisement. The…

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How to Respond to a 1-Star Review on Google

By Josh May / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Technology

Online reviews are essential for building a successful brand. If you look at the numbers: 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations 90% of consumers read reviews before visiting a business Product page visitors who read online reviews converted at a 58% higher rate That’s massive. Digital trust has tangible value….

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Leading with Empathy: Tips for Unifying Teams and Nurturing Leads

By Jenni Waggoner / Data + Analytics, Marketing, Strategy, Technology

As my seven overstuffed bookshelves and Kindle’s nearly full storage can attest, I think there’s always more to unpack, digest, and discover. Having a learning mindset not only makes the world a more exciting place to be but is essential for professional growth and success. For a self-professed lifelong learner, attending the SiriusDecisions Summit was…

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