Style, Luxury Service

By Maria Orozova / Design, Marketing

The SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills Given my 24/7 job is to pay attention to design, I was in branding heaven when I arrived at the SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills. From a branding perspective, no other property does a better, more cohesive job than this gem, hidden away on busy La Cienega Boulevard. Every…

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Why your company should be a content creator (AKA Blogging)

By MODintelechy / Marketing

In a time when it seems the Internet is vastly overpopulated, there is still a place where your thoughts and information matter: The blog. Companies should be blogging for a number of reasons, the most important of which is to prove their credibility and drive more traffic to their website. Jeanette Gibson, director of social…

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Superbowl Commercial MVPs

By MODintelechy / Marketing

It’s time for the 2011 Superbowl Spot Superlatives! We’ve awarded ads we enjoyed with titles we feel represent their unique-ness… The Least Nerdy Reference to Star Wars EVER Award: VW for “Young Darth” Best “We’ve Been There” Moment Award: Bridgestone  for “Reply All” Favorite Mash-up of 2011…[until Glee’s Thriller/Heads will Roll came on] Award: NFL…

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Tradeshow Booth Design: As Seen at CES

By Maria Orozova / Marketing, Technology

All the tech gear wasn’t the only thing that made CES a showcase event, the booth designs themselves added a wow factor [for some of the brands]. These were definitely some standouts that caught our eye: 1. BlueAnt 2. House of Marley to support 1Love 3. PrimeSense [great installation piece] 4. Qualcomm [espresso bar? yes…

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This & That: Decades Past

By MODintelechy / Design, Marketing

There’s something about sepia-tones that instantly sweeps me up into a vintage vision.  I just love that feeling, and it always inspires me to think differently, it opens my mind to possibilities. Today’s picks are all things that are iconic to me of the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s.  ’40s– patterned tiles in brilliant blues, ’50s–Audrey…

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How to Grow Customer Relationships {By thinking about Starbucks}

By MODintelechy / Marketing

“Do you know how crazy busy Starbucks would be if they delivered? They’d be hounded with orders all day long!” I was about to remark when I was compelled to write this post about it instead. Maybe it’s all this talk of their new logo or the fantastic caramel macchiato I had at lunch, but…

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We could go on, or take a work break.


Top 5 Marketing Resolutions

By MODintelechy / Marketing

New year, new you.  Every January this mantra takes over with full force.  You make resolutions for yourself like more gym time, & eating better but have you ever considered making them for your business? 2011 can be the year to start.  Prevent the slow decay of your will power with our clear, achievable marketing…

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A creative SEO approach

By MODintelechy / Marketing

After enormous growth in 2010, social media platforms have earned their place as a beneficial addition to the marketing mix. But with all the emphasis on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as the social leaders, there’s one vehicle companies seem to be overlooking: The Blog. Blogging offers the ability to build an international network that follows…

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Flashes of Ads

By MODintelechy / Marketing

Feeling a little squinty after looking at that bright sunlight? If you closed your eyes after staring at it, it’d make quite an impression, leaving you with a momentary replica of the light behind your lids. That’s exactly the trick BMW used in a recent advert to flash the logo in viewer’s eyes, but in…

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Branding: Laying the foundation

By MODintelechy / Marketing

Anyone in advertising will tell you that a strong brand image is far more important than a strong product.  (hopefully you have both, but there’s unfortunately often more emphasis placed on the brand’s image than the product’s) That’s why developing and building a brand is such an arduous task sometimes.  And building that brand equity…

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Effective Event Marketing

By MODintelechy / Marketing

When thinking about “what comes next” in a company’s marketing mix, one of the most overlooked marketing initiatives is an event. It’s true. Many tend to disregard an event’s ability to be an appropriate tool for engaging their target market. That’s why we want to encourage you to take a second look and supplement your…

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What All Brands Crave

By MODintelechy / Marketing

It’s that elusive “Buzz” It’s a disease of groupthink filtering down from the big wigs of corporate America to your neighbor who just started his own business out of his basement, Like word vomit these “brilliant” ideas keep spilling out of us…”Let’s use social media! We need to create hype! I know, we’ll start a…

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We could go on, or take a work break.


You don’t have to be earth-shattering; The art of the blog.

By MODintelechy / Marketing, Technology

One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is often the stress of picking a topic to blog about. Seems strange, given the reason you blog is because you have something to say. But sometimes it’s easy to fall into the grips of anxiety, fretting over your post topics for days even weeks because what you…

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Improve your communication with one word

By MODintelechy / Marketing

You may recall a promise to revisit this topic of effective communication last week, Well today it’s here! What is this one magical word that instantly improves conversations? LISTEN. (Apologies if the photo threw you off, but no, the word is not awkward.  In fact, awkwardness is an instant conversation killer, so that’s definitely not…

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The Key to Happy Clients

By MODintelechy / Marketing

Relationships Alright, all you commitment-phobics out there calm down, we’re not about to have a DTR with you. What we are going to do is stress the importance of building relationships with clients and prospects alike. Let’s break it down… Why It’s Important to Foster Good Client Relationships 1.  Studies show that negative experiences are…

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What’s in a Photograph?

By MODintelechy / Marketing

Today Bryant is joining us from Bryant Hill Media to share some knowledge about the art of the photograph. We loved chatting with him… and not only does he offer great insight, he knows what he’s talking about [you’ll soon see some samples and agree]. And now it’s time to give Bryant the floor, so…

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Shameless Plug ;)

By MODintelechy / Marketing

So our header has already told you that we are here to help you gain insight on a fairly broad range of topics, right? Well, we figured it was about time we wrote some marketing material of our own, [not that the info we normally link you to isn’t awesome, if it wasn’t we wouldn’t…

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